Bond in a hold

You've learnt so skillfully to fake a smile that I can't distinguish the truth of the lie

I've learnt to endure to follow my guts despite the hurricaine
I'm tired of being strong and so understanding
But I'm a human and I know what is to be topsy-turvy

I return to my broken side just to find you there
You make me be on cloud nine and suddenly fall to hit rock bottom
All because of you

So I endure and I cling to my little piece of happiness

You have the truth inside of you
Go to the brightest place in your memory and you'll find me
Willing to take you with your dirty laundry and wash the past away

You, tenderness and support 
Your soul receives with such familiarity my light
That we both create energy in every kiss

My delayed soulmate...why does life extend the suffering of two souls willing to take the love once found?

Time passes by and this bond is in a hold
Why circumstances make us stop living?
Let's give ourselves to the sea to let us flow

Take off masks
Release the suffering that makes you a pretender 
I set you free and you keep pushing to the gound

Come my lover, my sweet companion, let's fly away from this cruel place and enjoy life

Stop waiting for the right moment
Open yourself to the love you deserve 
And finally turn into freedom...


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